Tuesday 23 April 2013

The Journey So Far!!

Three years already wow...It seems like yesterday.

In this 3 years so many things have happened which we never anticipated. Hey no one is perfect, it has been fun most of the time, frustrating sometimes and Yes! boring at some point.

Today I am sharing some tips that has helped us through our imperfection.
  •  Only God's grace can see you through.
  • Women it is your responsibility to ensure that your marriage works.(Prov 31)#it aint easy tho!
  • Never carry over quarrels/issues to the next day. Settle the issue via communication/dialogue not nagging(women) or ego( men).''
  • End your quarrels with hot sex.lol some people may not agree with me but it works*wink
  • Teach each other with Love and be prepared to learn.
  • Apologise when you are wrong do not play the blame game.
  • Be adventurous, have fun, build beautiful memories together.
  • Compliment each other and create alone time to enjoy your spouses'company.
  • NEVER STOP BEING BEST OF FRIENDS. I had to put it in bold and caps because this is very important.
Happy Wedding Anniversary to me and my darling husband. May the Love, Joy and Peace of God never leave our home in Jesus name. Amen

Please share tips on what has worked for your relationship/marriage....I am still learning :)


  1. see Alby's manicured nails and beautiful hands...ok so what were you saying again?? lol I kid....Happy anni

  2. Mary happy anniversary!!!!! But is it really as is easy as you have listed above? You make it look like a bucket list getting through marriage? i know most times you know in your heart of hearts that you married the bone and flesh of yours but are there times when you felt you made a mistake? Why dont you tell your readers how you got through those times instead of the checklist you put up there.

  3. @Toks wt happened to u appreciating my nails*rollingmyeyes*

    @Ada yes I wrote that it is boring sometimes,frustrating and it aint easy.What gets me thru d negative feelings are the fact that I Love him and He loves me.

    I learnt something from the movie "Why did I get married". When you are mad think of all d good things your spouse has done and d memories you both have built together.it always helps you think before reacting to suituations.

    Another method is imagine you lose your spouse at the minute you are having a heated argument,U wld realise that its not worth it wasting d short time you have together fighting.

    Its not easy buy You just have to make it work.
